Engagement Session in Telluride


Taylor and I shot Lauren’s proposal to Kate over the summer and immediately knew we had to be best friends. Next thing you know we were attending protests together and started a pizza club. As they started dreaming of where to have their wedding and what it might look like (so hard to do in the midst of a pandemic, but still fun!). The idea of Telluride came up. Only Kate and I had been and I of course decided we should scout it out in the prime of Fall. There is nothing like Fall in Telluride/Ouray.

This “session” had some advantages in the fact that we got to spend a whole day together. If I could do this every couple I would.

SIDE NOTE: My girlfriend/second shooter/soul mate had also never been to Ouray/Telluride so this was so much more than an engagement session for our dear friends.

I am not one to be a super planner. I am more of the spontaneous types. But with little time we had I didn’t want to miss a thing. The night we got in we got some Thai food and drinks on a roof top taking in the 360 view of Ouray and then headed to the hot springs (you can go Ouray without going to the hot springs).


The next morning we started with the perimeter trail. Kate and Lauren packed a dress just in case there was a good photo op. And obviously there were plenty. I told them no makeup as I would most likely be taking farther away shots but I snuck in a few close ones because I couldn’t help myself.

After the long hike we showered and got ready for our adventure in Telluride (about an hour drive from Ouray). I was getting a little worried about timing so I made sure we had snacks and wine to go and we went straight to the free Gondola in town.


Kate and Lauren’s love is easy and fun and directing them didn’t take much. I’m pretty sure though out the shoot I just kept thinking (and yelling out loud) - “OH MY GOD THIS IS SO MUCH FUN.” Being on top of a mountaintop getting amazing photos of your now friends in love. It was the highlight of the season.

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